Cycling Lifestyle

Thule Cycling Lifestyle Thule Cycling Lifestyle

Cycling in areas where you are unfamiliar can sometimes be a hassle. We have formed two mobile apps as alternatives to buying expensive navigators.

CycleStreets is a great free app that allows cyclists to plan bike-friendly routes around the UK. You can choose from quietest, fastest or a mixture of both it's up to you. Routes chosen take advantage of downhill descents and minimise up hill wherever possible.

Although costing £6.99 Backcountry Navigation Pro is probably the leading app for the more adventurous cyclist. Using various downloadable maps including a dedicated cycle map, the intrepid explorer can have access to a vast range of dedicated off road cycle routes and tracks. And don't worry when you have exhausted the UK, the Backcountry Navigation has the same detailed maps and routes for the rest of the world!


Keeping your device in your hand while cycling is an obvious hazard to yourself and others around. To solve the problem Thule has created the Pack 'n Pedal range allowing you to mount your tablet or smart phone directly to the handle bars of your bike, using a waterproof Wallet or iPad/Map Sleeve.

If your intended journey involves an initial journey by car, Thule the market leader in transportation, has the perfect solution, whether it be on the rooftailgate or  tow bar.