Thule Crew Triathlete won the long distance duathlon World Championship

Eva Nystrom Eva Nystrom

Eva Nyström, member of the Thule Crew, defended her title as the duathlon long distance world champion at this weekend’s competition, Powerman Zofingen in Switzerland.  

Thule Crew member, Eva Nyström, finished first place in this year’s long distance duathlon world championship, for the second year in a row. With a winning time of 7:13:10, Eva Nyström finished more than 10 minutes before the next contestant.

The Long distance duathlon course consist of 10 km running, 150 km biking and 30 km running.

This weekend’s competition and result bodes well for Eva’s next challenge, the Ironman world championships on Hawaii. Eva is one out of 25 women qualified into the professional class and will compete on October 12th. Eva is the first Swedish woman to qualify in to the professional class since 2001!.