Thule Chariot CX1 Wins Gold in Women's Running Awards

Thule Chariot CX1 Wins Gold in Women's Running Awards

The Thule Chariot CX1 has been given the much desired 2014 Women's Running Gold Award in the Running Buggies & Prams category in the UK.

In this category, the Thule Chariot CX1 left behind the Nipper Sport and the Mountain Buggy Terrain, who received silver and bronze consecutively. In total over 90 products in several categories were tested by UK edition of Women's Running magazine for the awards.

Women's Running is an exciting and growing title that aims to inspire and support the female running community of the UK. Over its two-year existence, it has boasted many UK celebrities and elite athletes on their front cover, and the magazine has managed to build up a large social media following.

Women's Running says about the Thule Chariot CX1 'Very easy to run with and the handlebar makes it simple to change to different hand grips without feeling like you have lost control of the buggy. Like the low ride height of the seating area.'

Thule's top quality and ingenious design comes out on top again!

And will soon start distributing the chariot range.

Thule Chariot CX1 Wins Gold in Women's Running Awards

Thule Chariot CX1 Wins Gold in Women's Running Awards